Bedford Christian Ministries: $4,000 for dental and prescription assistance to the most vulnerable in our community.
Bedford County Public Schools: $2,198 for exercise bikes in the new library.
Bedford County School of Practical Nursing: $1,638 to fund continuing education for two instructors and a student learning extension.
Bedford County Sheriff’s Office: $4,100 for purchase of 4 PLI-3000 receivers to locate clients with Dementia or autistic disorders.
Central VA Alliance for Community Living: $15,000 to match funds for the purchase of a wheelchair accessible van and for operating expenses.
Bedford YMCA: $5,000 towards the expansion of their ropes course.
Brook Hill Farm: $5,000 towards scholarships for at-risk youth to participate in the program.
Children’s Trust: $5,000 towards the expansion of children’s forensic interview services to Bedford.
Feed the Need: $2,000 to support the backpack program that provides meals for families over weekends.
Free Clinic of Central Virginia: $5,000 to fund personnel costs for a Patient Access Coordinator as the program expands to Bedford.
Friends of Bedford Hospice House: $5,800 to establish a scholarship that assists patients residing in the house. The grant is awarded directly from the Hardy Family Hospice Fund.
Girls on the Run of Central VA: $5,000 to fund continuation of the program in Bedford schools for one year.
Lynchburg Daily Bread: $9,000 to continue bringing weekly meals to low income residents.
The Agape Center: $3,500 to fund prescription and dental assistance, counseling fees, and transportation to doctor visits.
The Doorways: $5,000 to provide lodging for families who must travel to
Richmond for specialty medical treatment.
Virginia Cooperative Extension: $850 to provide nutrition education and food prep skills to Home Health Aides.
Bedford County Library: $7,000 to purchase health related materials.